Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Birthday Josue'

 On this day, God blessed my GEM & I with another precious, long awaited and an addition to our family, the birth of our 2nd. Diamond son JosuĂ© Agustin Advincola ... Here's a little summary of how Josue' was born, after going back and forth to hospital, my hubby finally put me on the operating table and informed all the doctors that night, that we weren't going to leave the hospital until our bundle of joy was born ... ‪#ThatsMyHusband,

Mr. Blessed, as we lovingly call Josue' at home, has been an adorable, miraculous and extraordinary (in a good way) son. Josue's; extremely quiet, talented when it comes to drawing and poetry (he's self taught) and extremely protective of his family (that's an awesome quality for the future) ... 
Josue', your Papi, 3 brothers and I, continue to thank the Lord for bringing you into our life's. May this day be the launching pad of all the beautiful things that Jesus Christ has in store for you ♥; because your a parent's dreams and blessing to all those who truly know you. Now, we're going to continue with this last thought ... Happy Birthday Mr. Blessed and we Love you more everyday ...

Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


A grateful heart, a warm cup of coffee, soft and meaningful Christian music is what my GEM & I are listening to, while we await the return of our 4 studious sons from school (college) ...
Thank You God, because your accompanying, guiding and protecting our 4 Diamond sons, during those train and bus rides, while my hubby & I prepare their dinner, so when they arrive the entire family can come together, under the roof and do this ...
Psalm 150:6 (GW) -Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Hallelujah!
On that note, our 4 baby boys just called, their on the bus and will be home within 15 minutes ...
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved