Has anyone watched yesterday's news? If you haven't, well allow us to share something with you? Three young boys of the age of 16 were arrested for raping a 33 year old woman. :-( Now, I'm not here to judge; because the bible says this ...
Matthew 7:1 (NCV) - “Don’t judge others, or you will be judged.
However, as my GEM & I sat down to discuss(not judge) what we saw on the news, it left us with a perplexed sense. Because we meticulous shared with each other the following:
1. What motivated these 3 teens to commit such a violent act?
2. Did the parents, teachers or friends of these 3 boys notice a change in their behavior before this occurred?
3. Finally, were these young men raped in the past or were they experience "SERIOUS" peer pressure from the 2 other boys?
I felt the need to share this with "ALL" of you; on account of as Pastors we've met so many youths that are baffled about life and as a result, they tend to make neediness mistakes. That being said, we'd like to conclude with this ...
1 Thessalonians 5:17 (ESV) - Pray without ceasing,
That's what we're going to continue to do for today's teens! Care to join us?
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved