Let's chat, dear youth? Are you having difficulty remaining pure in spirit, heart and mind? If the answer is yes, then why don't you give some mind to this?
Psalm 119:9 (NCV) - How can a young person live a pure life? By obeying your word.
Before you take another step, we'd also like to convey this thought to you. Today's the beginning of a new day, week and month, full of activities (both pleasing and offensive to the Lord), that's why you should seriously think about the following bible verse, when you have a few minutes ...
Psalm 119:11 (NLT) -I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
Indeed, the world offers many choices based upon your age or sex but we suggest that you pray before making your next move; because what you do now, whether it's good or bad, can leave behind consequences that last a lifetime ... #GiveMind2This?
Psalm 119:9 (NCV) - How can a young person live a pure life? By obeying your word.
Before you take another step, we'd also like to convey this thought to you. Today's the beginning of a new day, week and month, full of activities (both pleasing and offensive to the Lord), that's why you should seriously think about the following bible verse, when you have a few minutes ...
Psalm 119:11 (NLT) -I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
Indeed, the world offers many choices based upon your age or sex but we suggest that you pray before making your next move; because what you do now, whether it's good or bad, can leave behind consequences that last a lifetime ... #GiveMind2This?
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved