Monday, December 29, 2014

Whipping Out the Camera

We're so grateful to the Lord because the youth of our congregation are seeking His presence more everyday. #‪‎HaLLeLuJaH‬, I'm always the one that has to resist whipping out the camera every time one of our 4 handsome sons share some sort of good news with my GEM & me. Like early today, Esteban #3 brought a biblical teaching to the Church (thank You Jesus), and I was wrestling in my seat; because all I wanted to do is capture that moment. On that blissful note, this is what we saw today ....
2 Corinthians 2:14 (HCSB) - But thanks be to God, who always puts us on display in Christ and through us spreads the aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.
This is truly an awesome winter break for us and we owe it all to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit ... #Amen‬,
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Sunday, December 28, 2014

To The Point

Sunday Service was full of surprises for the congregation and the Advincola family, too. During the Worship Service the Lord spoke to everyone present through an upcoming preacher that has a Pastoral calling over him. ‪#‎OhYes‬, The message was deep and to the point, with a Biblical foundation you can taste miles away ... #HaLLeLuJaH‬,
One more thing, tonight's Preacher was Brother Josue' (our Diamond son #2). What left the congregation speechless was that Mr. Blessed (that's what we call Josue' at home) doesn't like to talk a lot; but during the Sunday Service, he allowed God to have His way ... #‪‎ThankYouJesus‬,
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Monday, December 22, 2014

Mission Accomplished

Society has numerous needs and wants; but not everything can be obtained right away. We're living in the Supply and Demand Generation. For example, a baby needs: love, food and some occasional playtime too. If all of this done then your babies or kids will wake up in a better mode.
In other words, we're also living in the Give and Take Era too; because kids demand attention and parents supply affection. Here are a few tips for you moms and dads that want to delight in some quiet romance time. Set aside some time for the following:
  1. Play with them (the kids) till they're a bit tired or close to being knocked out.
  2. Serve them up enough food (maybe even their favorite dish) so they can go to sleep with a full tummy.
  3. Cuddle up next to them (the kids), read a bible story, pray for them and let God do the rest
By doing some or all of the above Mrs. Wife & Mr. Husband, you'll enjoy a delightful night, just like this verse describes ...
Proverbs 5:18-19 (NCV) - 18. Be happy with the wife you married when you were young. She gives you joy, as your fountain gives you water. 19.  She is as lovely and graceful as a deer. Let her love always make you happy;  let her love always hold you captive.
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Today's Preachers, Tomorrow Leaders

Saturday Bible Study, now the Lord used an upcoming Preacher in a Spirit filled matter, to administer to the congregation. What God allowed, us to view and hear is conformation of this ...
Romans 12:2 (NCV) - Do not be shaped by this world; instead be changed within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you; you will know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect.
Oh yes, for God's Glory (ALWAYS) the young Preacher was our Diamond son #4 - Elias Jacob ... 
Care to join us in the continual praying for tomorrow's leaders, which are today's youth?
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Happy Birthday Elias

On this day, 22 years ago, the Lord blessed my GEM & I with our last bundle of joy Elias Jacob. While my GEM (hubby) was repairing my laptop; because it was acting up, all that I could think about was the day when the doctor told us this ... "It's a Boy". #ThankYouJesus, Before this baby boy entered our life's, my Dominican Danish & I constantly asked the Lord what should we name him ... When we least expected God told my husband Jacob and then He (God) told me Elias, so we came to the conclusion that this future leader would be known as Elias Jacob. If you look up the name Elias, it means The Lord is my God ... #HaLLeLuJaH,

Elias's nickname at home is the Professor; because he's constantly looking for new ways to come to the aid of our family. In my heart and mind, Elias Jacob is a continual reminder of his Papi (my Love Boat). When our 4 Diamond sons return home from school (college) they all have a question to ask their father and me. What makes me laugh is that Elias first asks for his blessing (that's a Hispanic tradition) and then shares a few long and deep hugs and in between them Elias asks me how was my day ... #Awe,

A lot of people ask me, aren't you upset because you don't have at least one daughter, my reply will always be the same "my husband & I only prayed for sons and our Heavenly Father answered us. Happy Birthday Elias, your love, determination and seriousness is a God given gift; so don't change it ... 
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Monday, December 1, 2014

Here's A Suggestion

Let's chat, dear youth? Are you having difficulty remaining pure in spirit, heart and mind? If the answer is yes, then why don't you give some mind to this?

Psalm 119:9 (NCV) - How can a young person live a pure life? By obeying your word.

Before you take another step, we'd also like to convey this thought to you. Today's the beginning of a new day, week and month, full of activities (both pleasing and offensive to the Lord), that's why you should seriously think about the following bible verse, when you have a few minutes ...

Psalm 119:11 (NLT) -I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

Indeed, the world offers many choices based upon your age or sex but we suggest that you pray before making your next move; because what you do now, whether it's good or bad, can leave behind consequences that last a lifetime ... #GiveMind2This?
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Do Your Research, First

In the event that your on the verge of publishing a book, here's a company that you should NEVER do business with  and it's called TATE PUBLISHING and ENTERPRISES, LLC, which is located at ... Now, the department of Consumers Affairs online has 46 grievances against TATE, based upon them not adhering to what their contracts stipulates, ignoring emails and phone calls made by their clients, being irresponsible, a constant flow of delayed shipment and preposterous excuses made by their representatives who are extremely mean. However, when it comes to TATE's representatives,  noticing that their clients are seeking outside alleviation from their scamming tactics, a rep calls the client's home in an uneducated, disrespectful and unprofessional manner. Why I'm I saying this; because it occurred to me yesterday? Apparently, it's to imitate the person who's broadcasting the fraud; because what thief wants to get caught stealing?
It's a disgrace how this publishing company states that it's Christian based and they operate in the totally opposite. For example, if you go to their official website, all you see are pictures of women and men of God, who supposedly published their books there. Using the imagines of well known Ministries of the Body of Christ in order to lure upcoming authors to company is their specialty.  It seems as if the founder and employees of TATE Publishing Company overlooked this bible verse ...  
2 Timothy 3:13 (ESV) - While evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.
Perhaps, your wondering why I'm sharing this with all of you. Well, here are the three reasons that are  triggering me:
  1. Our oldest son Carlos Jr. has published a book at TATE and every time he makes an order, it NEVER arrives on time or complete, the quality of the paste they use on the book is terrible, the rep. that was assigned to Carlos Jr. is named Mr. Cody Crawford and he's the most: disrespectful, barbaric and definitely lacking in the public relation department.
  2. First Amendment ~ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
  3. Article 19 ~ Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Closing Argument

Before I bring this detailed post to an end, I'd like to remind you how not to be fooled by wolfs dressed in sheep's clothing. Instead, affiliate yourself with a company that says what they mean and means what they say or in other words this  ...
Matthew 5:37 (NLV) - Let your yes be YES. Let your no be NO. Anything more than this comes from the devil.

As a wife, mother and Pastor of the Gospel of Jesus Christ it's my duty to remind all of you this ...

1 Peter 5:8 (NLT) -  Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Happy Birthday Esteban

Today brings back wonderful memories for my hubby & me; because God once again expanded our happy family. Instead of just having 2 handsome sons, in comes number 3 and this cutie's name is Esteban ...

Allow us to share with all of you a brief and loving biography on who Esteban is? He's an outspoken, meticulous and determined individual, who knows what he wants and when he gets it, theirs no stopping those creative juices from flowing. Whenever Esteban opens his mouth,... he always shares with his listeners something unique, amusing and educational to boot ... #4Real‬,
Bible wise, he's deep, vigilant and extremely analytical and his Papi (my GEM) & I thank the Lord; because Esteban always wants to learn more about everything. On that note, we'd like to conclude with this finally statement, Esteban, ever since you've entered our life's you have blossomed into an awesome young man, blessed your Dad, 3 brothers & me and we wish you a Happy Birthday and we love you more everyday ... ‪#ThankYouJesus,
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Birthday Josue'

 On this day, God blessed my GEM & I with another precious, long awaited and an addition to our family, the birth of our 2nd. Diamond son Josué Agustin Advincola ... Here's a little summary of how Josue' was born, after going back and forth to hospital, my hubby finally put me on the operating table and informed all the doctors that night, that we weren't going to leave the hospital until our bundle of joy was born ... ‪#ThatsMyHusband,

Mr. Blessed, as we lovingly call Josue' at home, has been an adorable, miraculous and extraordinary (in a good way) son. Josue's; extremely quiet, talented when it comes to drawing and poetry (he's self taught) and extremely protective of his family (that's an awesome quality for the future) ... 
Josue', your Papi, 3 brothers and I, continue to thank the Lord for bringing you into our life's. May this day be the launching pad of all the beautiful things that Jesus Christ has in store for you ♥; because your a parent's dreams and blessing to all those who truly know you. Now, we're going to continue with this last thought ... Happy Birthday Mr. Blessed and we Love you more everyday ...

Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


A grateful heart, a warm cup of coffee, soft and meaningful Christian music is what my GEM & I are listening to, while we await the return of our 4 studious sons from school (college) ...
Thank You God, because your accompanying, guiding and protecting our 4 Diamond sons, during those train and bus rides, while my hubby & I prepare their dinner, so when they arrive the entire family can come together, under the roof and do this ...
Psalm 150:6 (GW) -Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Hallelujah!
On that note, our 4 baby boys just called, their on the bus and will be home within 15 minutes ...
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Mommy's Remedy

On a rainy day, chicken soup is the best remedy for a runny nose, coughing and even a little headache ... Don't forget to delight in a cup of tea before you go to bed ... Furthermore, this is what the bible says about the actions of a reliable wife and mom ...

Proverbs 31:28-29 (NCV) 
28. Her children speak well of her.  Her husband also praises her,
29. saying, “There are many fine women, but you are better than all of them.”

Wifehood and motherhood is such a wonderful job ... #HaLleLuJaH,

Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

It Did Happen

We're so grateful that God is helping us how to set aside more time for family activities. Such as praying together, studying the bible
and chatting or debating (in a respectful tone) about the day's events. Now, at the college where all 4 of our Diamond sons attend, one of the professors said that parents are misguided when it comes to sharing so much of their past views with their children. The professor said, the past is past and today's youths don't need to listen to past instructions or teachings given by their parents (WOW) ...

While the class was applauding the educator in a rude and disrespectful manner towards their parents, our son decided to partake of this biblical concept ...

2 Timothy 2:15 (NCV) - Make every effort to give yourself to God as the kind of person he will approve. Be a worker who is not ashamed and who uses the true teaching in the right way.

The professor didn't contemplate the aftereffects of what he said, but instead of our son or any other classmate present their point of view they kept quite because their observed that the teacher felt he had a legitimate case. While the educator continued to share his logic and most of the class applaud him, too. Our son deceived to do this ...

2 Timothy 2:14 (NLT) - Remind everyone about these things, and command them in God’s presence to stop fighting over words. Such arguments are useless, and they can ruin those who hear them.

Another reason why we're so grateful to our Heavenly Father ... #HaLLeLuJaH,

Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Valuable Traits

Giving comes naturally for them! You give so much of yourself, your time and especially your love, not because your obligated to, but because you want to. That's why your children, family and friends call you the best parent in town ... Perhaps, it's because your hugs, kisses and supportive comments warm up a person's heart, followed by filling the room with smiles and endless laughter to boot ...
Fathers, carry lots of different hats and as a result they give their children, support in the areas of emotions and material objects, too. Now, this is what the bible shares with the world ...
Psalm 103:13 (HCSB) - As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him.
Let's talk about all those loving and patient mothers, that stay up at night with their kids, without ever complaining and that's what the bible says  about them  ...
Proverbs 31:28 (ESV) - Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.
On that note, whatever you do for your bundles of joy (children) do it till cows come home (Hehehe) and they'll do the same with their kids, too ...

Proverbs 13:22 (ERV) - It is good to have something to pass down to your grandchildren. But wealth hidden away by sinners will be given to those who live right.
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Friday, September 19, 2014

It's The Foundation

Greetings Everyone:

It's such a sunny, breezy and serene Friday morning ... Our young, brave and determined future leaders all over the world are in school, expanding their horizons and making their parents prouder everyday because of the following ...

Proverbs 24:3-4 (NCV) - 3. It takes wisdom to have a good family, and it takes understanding to make it strong. 4. It takes knowledge to fill a home with rare and beautiful treasures.

Don't forget, it takes Jesus Christ, love and respect to build a happy and fruitful family ... #Amen,
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Monday, September 15, 2014

Tuesday's School Lunch

My hubby is cooking up a Dominican treat and I'm baking a vanilla cake for our 4 studious sons lunch tomorrow ... In addition to, washing the dishes and doing a little laundry on the side, too ... #Hehehe,

In between all of this, we're sharing a few long hugs and kisses ...
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Good Morning Parents & Students

The 1st. day of school has arrived. We hear all those happy parents getting their little ones ready by: preparing breakfast, rushing them so that the school bus doesn't leave them ...
Now, what stands out the most are those BIG smiles on those girls and boys faces, book bags on their backs and the way the kids are so excited to meet their new teachers and classmates, too ...
As a mother, the first day of school was and still is the most emotional day in our home. Perhaps, it's because in our minds the best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book. With love and respect, we suggest this bible verse for all you parents; so you can past this on to your lovely daughters and sons ...
Proverbs 13:20 (ISV) - Whoever keeps company with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools suffers harm.
On that note, have a blessed first day: moms, dads, kids of all ages and teachers, too ...  #YourInOurPrayers,
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Onward, Persistent Youth

Isn't it magnificent how God blesses our young people? The manner in which the Lord puts in
their life's the gifts of strengthen, patience and wisdom, at such an inexperienced age.  It's so awesome to see how they don't waste anytime when it comes to reaching their goals ...

I convey this because as I tend to my everyday obligations,  chatting with today's youths is one of my priorities, too.  I'm so impressed at what they have to say, regarding a variety of topics. Perhaps, it's due to the way they were raised or what schools and churches they attended. This can also be a definite key in how they think, act and live ...
Psalm 119:9 (NCV) -  How can a young person live a pure life? By obeying your word.
Today's youth have open ears to hear, voices to share their opinions and here's another terrific lesson they've obtained along the way  ...
Proverbs 1:5 (NCV) - Wise people can also listen and learn; even they can find good advice in these words.

Let's not forget, that today's youth are tomorrow's leaders. As a mother of 4 sons and Pastor of so many pre-teens and adolescents, I'm so proud of all those brave young ladies and men that truly want to leave a positive mark on the world, they inspire me ... #HaLLeLuJaH,
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

HaPPy BirThDay BaBy Boy

On this day, after years of praying, fasting and endless crying so that the Lord would bless our womb. When we least expected the doctor announced to my hubby & I that God had answered our prayers and that we were going to be parents ... #HaLLeLuJaH,

This soldier of God, who's sweet, sensitive and always shares words of faith, love and patience when it's needed the most is celebrating his Birthday(hooray) and yesterday his impacting new series(book) based on his life, fantasy and science fiction, too and it's called  THE CLASH - THE WARRIOR'S JOURNAL was released, too ... #ThankYouJesus, As my hubby & I praise the Lord for instilling in BeBe(our son's) heart a spirit of forgiveness, unity and a true symbol love wherever he and his 3 younger brothers go. #Sweet, That's why we'll say until later on; because my Dominican Danish(the culinary artist) & I are preparing a Happy Birthday feast, with an old school vanilla cake as the desert(I truly love to bake) on the side and singing, praying over Carlos Jr. and hugs & kisses that will all night ... Happy Birthday BeBe and we love you, too ... #HaLLeLuJaH,
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Detailed Explanation

Mom's, dads and other guardians, did you know that there's a rising tend among teens of all ages that's called Friends with Benefits? This is where so called friends get together for the sole reason to obtain sexual pleasure. Now, there's no emotional entanglement or serious commitment that can one day lead to marriage. The main focus of this type of relationship is that the 2 consenting and confused teens interact as if their married or in love. The actual term for it is called "Hooking Up" and as a result one partner receives sexual gratification, while the other partner dreams that one day she/he will eventually lead to marriage ...
What I'm describing is going on during school hours, weekends parties and oh yes among teens that serve the Lord. Some teens characterize this as playing the role of future husbands and wife's. The young couple use sex as their security blanket; but deep down inside they know that what their doing offenses God, their parents and at the end creates low self esteem issues, too ...
Parents, be pay close attention to who your teens associate with because this misguided theory can be introduced to your daughter or son in middle school, high school and continue on into college ...  This destructive behavior can leave in your teens mind and heart a hollow spirit. They stop feeling, reacting or caring about themselves or life and we know you don't want that ...
In conclusion, please don't attack your daughter or son, abandon them or use a disrespect tone to get your point across. On the contrary, with love, patience and hours of prayer, remind them of this ...
1 Timothy 4:12 (HCSB) - Let no one despise your youth; instead, you should be an example to the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Friday, May 30, 2014

Those were The Days

As I look out of our kitchen window so many childhood memories pop into my mind ... For instance, the way my brother Tono and I ran home from school every Friday, ready to enjoy a tasty snack that our Mommy prepared for us right before she'd pick us up from school, it was sprinkled with her special ingredient called "loved".  In other words, my mother did this ...

Titus 2:4(NCV) - Then they can teach the young women to love their husbands, to love their children,

 It's true, everything that my Mom put on the kitchen table left me wanting more ... Funny, how as time goes by certain memories feel as if they occurred yesterday ... Oh well, I'm not even half the cook my mother was; but I'm so GRATEFUL that our Heavenly Father blessed me with a hubby that's a born culinary artist ... #
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Friday, March 21, 2014

The Integral Attributes

Parenthood, a blessing from above that's swooped over so many moms and dads all over the world, by surprised or due to the fact that it was planned. It's a function(I say it in a loving way) that goes on 24/7, entails lots of overtime, clean up duty and when it comes to taking vacations, the reservations have to be made at least a year in advance ...
Not to mention, parenthood is predominantly centered around being the epitome of an example in their children's eyes. Honesty, patience and loving gestures are just a few of the integral attributes that catch their children's eyes. What's more, the bible talks so serious stuff when it comes to being a father and mother ...
1 Timothy 5:8  ( NKJV) - But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
Lastly, some people only think that the above bible verse means that if a parent doesn't work, their considered to lack in faith. Yes, mothers and fathers are the main sources of supporting their children; however 1 Timothy 5:8 also refers to catering to their bundle of joys(kids) emotional, physical and oh yes monetary needs, too ...
Thusly, whenever your daughters or sons act up, don't go crazy, instead lift your head and hands up the Lord and He'll take care of the rest ... 
Lastly, so many people just think that the above bible verse only means that a parents that don't work 
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Definition of Love

While I was preparing a cup of tea, this is what God told me to share with "ALL" the mothers and fathers around the world ...

If you don't pray for your daughters or sons now, you might have to cry with them later ...

Due to the fact that some moms and dads feel the need to ignore their kids disrespectful actions because in their words, "Their only Babies", but little do they know that their only adding fire to the fuel we call disobedience ... All we have to say is that the bible reinforces this ...

Proverbs 29:15 (HCSB) - A rod of correction imparts wisdom, but a youth left to himself s a disgrace to his mother.

Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Top of the Morning, Everyone

Just a friendly reminder, bundle up those little babies before they leave your home for school, if you can toss in a warm breakfast or a cup of hot coco, too because once again it's COLD outside ...

As for all you adults, get your thermos, fill it up with some warm coffee or tea, kiss your spouse, kids(if you have any) and leave your home with a smile on your face, a skip in your walk and a positive outlook on life because Jesus Christ is the source of your joy ...
We'd prefer that you carry this bible verse with you all through this Thursday, too ...
Proverbs 17:22(NCV) - A happy heart is like good medicine, but a broken spirit drains your strength.
The prefect remedy to a productive day ...
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Within, A Split Second

Most unforgettable moments in a person's life occur each time a family gathers in their living rooms, turns on their televisions and just watch a few programs that create a spirit of laughter ... For example, when my GEM & I, accompanied by our 4 rambunctious sons, are sitting on our BIG red comfy couch, that's where the family fun begins  ... However what really tickled my heart is how our oldest son Carlos Jr. always sits by my side, wraps his arms around me and puts his head on my shoulders(that's what I call an awesome mother moment)  ...

Did you know that those are the split seconds that the Lord uses to remove some or all of your bottled up emotions? Henceforth, give way to the following bible verse  ...
John 14:1 (NCV) - Jesus said, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust in me.
That being said, have a wonderful Saturday everyone ...

Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Monday, January 20, 2014

An Epic Evernt

I truly love this time of morning because it motivates me to write about all the blissful thoughts that ran through my mind and heart last night ...

For example, the 1st. time my husband & I prepared breakfast together, then there was the1st. time my GEM cried when each of our sons were born and finally when they took their 1st. steps, oh yes that was epic. As a mother, I was on pins and needles because I didn't want them to bump their heads or hurt themselves in any way. My husband just stood by, while he laughted and watched over me more than our baby boys taking their 1st. step ... #4ReaL

For some, what I felt was a bit silly; however when the Lord allows you to hear for the 1st. time your little bundles of joy say "I Love You", you'll then comprehend that anything that your child does turns into a BIG event to be shared with the world. Yes, "ALL" 4 of our sons are now attending the same college(Brotherly Love they call it) but those childhood memories remain fresh in our minds and hearts as if it occurred yesterday ...

Everyday my GEM & I thank the Lord the gift we call "Parenthood" ...

Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved